Thursday, 3 January 2013

Leopard Nails - Models Own Nail Art

So I got this Models Own Nail Art Pen for my birthday so I decided to try out some leopard nails I saw on Pinterest here.   

You need two colours plus the nail art pen so this time I went for a Rimmel splurge with Rimmel Lycra Pro in  Aqua Cool for the base nail. This has been my absolute favourite nail varnish in 2012. It's such a pretty bluebell colour with a hint of purple. For the spots I went for Rimmel Lycra Pro in Peppermint which is a gorgeous pastel green colour and I thought the colours went beautifully together. 

Polish like usual with your base colour. To make it look leopard-y dab a few spots of the second colour on a feature nail (don't worry if they're not perfect, it actually makes the leopard look better if they're not). 
Once dry use the nail art pen to draw two un-even lines around each spot (see picture) and add a couple of black splodges where there isn't any colour too. A top coat of clear nail varnish and you're away!

My first attempt at using the pen using a nude base colour and a bright pink in the middle which I also think looks awesome. So many combinations to try!

1 comment:

  1. This looks really neat! I wish I could do this myself, but knowing me I'd probably ending up messing it up :(
